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Day 2 Isolation

Day 2 Revisit your true values
Day 1 was more about relaxing, sleeping and taking the time to wind down ready for the long haul. I am sending out these emails to help you to maintain your mental health during this lock down. This is a time when people are naturally feeling Anxious and I propose to support you over the coming weeks with some tips and ideas on what you could be doing with your time which should be useful for your future happiness. These tips should only take an hour or so or as long as you want to spend on them. Consider that this could be a good time. Time to reflect, re evaluate and rest. For day 2 spend some time thinking about what is really important to you, especially with your career, finances and wish list. Some examples:
  • Family values

  • Work Life balance

  • Spiritual needs

  • Hobbies, things that you like to do to switch off from life's pressures

  • Financial needs

  • Health

  • Career

  • How you can give back/compassion

So many of my clients who come to me suffering from Anxiety or Depression feel trapped in some way. But not in isolation as we are now. They feel trapped in a job they hate, or in a toxic relationship, or even though they seem to have people around them feel lonely. Some are trapped inside their head as their negative mind constantly puts them in fight flight or freeze. I work with these clients to help them evaluate what really is important to them. Maybe this is the time to make changes, more of how to do that to come in future newsletters. In summary TODAY just think about and write down what really matters to YOU. Spend some quiet time with a pen and paper and ask others in your household to do the same. In the meantime relax, get some daily exercise, eat healthy and stay safe. Remember I am here to support you

Kymberley Carter-Paige HNZDACH, AAAH NLP CBT, Hypnotherapist and RTT Practitioner.

Contact me Now or Treatment available over Skype/zoom only at this time.

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