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Day 24 Adjusting

Time to adjust

Is social distancing going to be a permanent requirement?

I have so many questions like I am sure you all do, as to how different our lives are going to be when the lock down is lifted. Like when will I be able to hug my parents, children and grandchildren again? Will we allow a to government dictate to us that we cannot have close contact with our loved ones? How will that affect our relationships? We cannot know the answers to these and many questions and we all know the media are biased and often do not print the truth, so who can we believe? Is it any wonder we can begin to feel powerless at these times even though we are safe in our homes right now. It is so easy to get wrapped up into all the social media, other peoples beliefs and opinions as to what they perceive is happening but we cannot change anything apart from the way we feel. Through these times all we can do is manage our emotions and reactions to the situation. Easier said than done I know, here is what I recommend to help do this.

  • Only allow 30 mins per day to listen to the news, just to stay informed

  • Be as mindful as you can. Now mindfulness is staying in the conscious mind and out of the subconscious. this means only focus on what you are doing at that given moment, be present, enjoying that cup of coffee, breathing in the fresh air as you go for your walk, reading your book and losing yourself in it.

  • Learn a new skill

  • Think outside the square as to how you can change your business to work with the new parameters. If this is worrying you, only spend 30 minutes on it. Contact others in your field and brainstorm ways you can ride the storm.

  • Watch a funny movie or TV show, violent movies or TV just create more fear.

  • Listen to your favourite music.

I know I have mentioned these steps before but it is so important to stay out of that worry part of your head. Worry doesn't change anything it just paralyses your conscious brain to solve problems. You become what you think about. The only thing you can change is you, who do you want to be? How do you want to feel? Focus on these things. Use heart breathing 3 times a day to raise your happiness levels, lower your blood pressure, reduce cortisol levels, boost the immune system and improve heart rate. Turn away from fear and move towards peace and calm. Feel free to reach out if you are struggling, I'm only an email away. Best wishes Kymberley

If you are concerned about a loved one Contact me Now or Treatment available over Skype/zoom or in person.

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