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Day 21 Three weeks in

I'm fine

Yeah! Day 21, three weeks in, how are you doing?

The lock down is affecting people in so many different ways. It can depend on many different factors, like who is in your bubble, where you are residing, whether you are working or not. For many they now have the added task of having to home school the children. No easy task especially as the classroom management is very different in school than it is at home. I must admit I often say if I had my time again I would have home schooled my children but it is easy to say, I may have only lasted two days, who knows :-)

Being forced out of our comfort zone can create a variety of negative emotions and this is perfectly normal. It is important that you look after your mental health at this time. Talk and connect to others outside your bubble by phone or online in person (Facebook messages or text is not the same). Get outside every day fresh air is good for the soul and your emotional well being. Work on yourself, there are so many free YouTube meditations or self help motivational videos and they are free. Listen to your favourite music to lighten the mood. I know I have recommended these things before but they do work., I promise. Because we are now at day 21 (in New Zealand, others may be longer) the subconscious mind has already started to recognise this as the new normal; so work with that and release the fear. You can only focus on right now, worrying about the future will not change it. Take care of you and you will come out stronger the other end. Feel free to email me and let me know how you are, I love hearing from you. Best wishes Kymberley If you are concerned about a loved one Contact me Now or Treatment available over Skype/zoom or in person.

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